sharba's blog: 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Friday, October 31, 2003


Random Questions; Random Days... Monday, October 27
CELEBRATE TEDDY BEARS! On this day in 1858 President Theodore Roosevelt was born. The teddy bear was created in honor of him. Do you have a favorite teddy, or stuffed animal. Please share.

I don't have any critters from childhood, but I do have a pink flamingo named Wilbur hanging in my car. I also have a plush smurf and a cute little red devil (our mascot) in my room at school.


Random Questions; Random Days... Friday, October 31
I was just checking out my book of dates and see that November is "No TV Month." What would you do instead of watching TV? Could you get by without one?

Most of my TV viewing is done either with my back to the TV, or with my glasses off, cross stitching. In other words, a radio or books on tape would substitute very nicely. (When I am at the computer, my back is to the TV.)

Monday, October 27, 2003

Sunday, October 26, 2003

It seems lately any channel you switch to, any day of the week, there is a 'reality show' on. This brings me to this week's questions................
1. Do you watch any 'reality shows' on television? If so, which is your favorite? If not, why?
2. If you were offered a chance to be a part of any of the reality shows, which one would you choose? Why?
3. If you could pick your own team on 'Survivor' what qualities would you look for in the 7 people you would choose?

1. Of course, before I answer, I have to state my overall opinion! I believe that most of these programs are opportunities for people to satisfy the "voyeur" in them. Because I have no desire to peek in on the sleazier side of humanity, I refrain from viewing the majority of these programs. My 3 "default" channels on TV are TLC, Animal planet and Food Network. On TLC, I have become a junkie of all things "Trading Spaces". These are my favorites of all the reality shows. I have absolutely no inherent decorating sense, so I like seeing all the different things the designers can think of to change a room. It's also fun to watch peoples' reactions when they see their new rooms. I have seen the original on BBC; "Changing Rooms," but it isn't as ineresting to me. I "know" the TLC designers, carpenters, and hosts so I enjoy those programs much more. These are my faves, but 2 weeks ago AP started one called "King of the Jungle", hosted by Jeff Corwin, my favorite guy on that network. Apparently, it's fashioned after "Survivor" in that 1 person leaves at the end of each episode. The participants don't vote, though. 12 people are competing to win the chance to host their own Animal Planet Special. They have to perform a series of physical challenges, animal handling challenges and demonstration of animal knowledge, as well as being able to display a "presence" on camera. 2 experts judge their performance and 1 person gets cut every week. I enjoy this program also. I also saw a tiny bit of "Jamie's Kitchen" on Food Network, but didn't really think much of it. Wow! that's the longest thing I've ever "blogged!"

2. The ONLY reality show I would ever consent to do would be "Trading Spaces." I would be game to have a room redone in my house with pro designers' ideas and someone else's $1,000.00. I think I'd have them do either my family room or my bedroom. We have plans for the kitchen and dining room that involves structural alteration and more the a grand to redo.

3. I have no answer to this question. At this stage in my life, "roughing it" means no dish washer and the possibility of using a public vs. private restroom!

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Wednesday 22nd October, 2003


TRIGGER 1::: What can I do to..........

..... make a difference? I can give my students my most honest and sincere efforts. I can be humble and realistic enough to know that I'm not going to turn them into world-class musicians, but that isn't important. The small triumphs are most often the most meaningful.

TRIGGER 2::: The sound of.............. is everywhere.

Kevin and I went to Mt. P. on Thursday, after work, to hear Geoff's first Wind Ensemble Concert. It was excellent, of course! There was a nice variety of music, and all well played, except for the oboe intonation. We had dinner with Geoff and his friend Jim after and arrived back home at 1:30 am. As only a day on less than 4 hrs. sleep can be, Friday was horrible! On one of my many treks back and forth between buildings, I was "pep stepping" through the high school to get to my 3rd hr. class when I caught the heel of someone's shoe with my foot as I walked by. For several very long seconds I actually thought I would regain my balance, but after several vain attempts to do so, I ended up sprawled out in the hallway in the middle of class-change traffic. Always the trouper, I did make it to class on time. . . to a room full of whiny contrary choir students, who despite their successes at a clinic 2 days earlier, seemed to prefer sliding back into their old habits again. After some further "unpleasantness" there, the day continued without incident until 6:45. Because it was our last football game of the season, I was having my middle school band march with the high school. The minute we got outside , it started raining; a steady driving rain in the 45 degree chill. We went in after pre-game, and back out for half time. We ended the performance drenched, but successful. After finding one middle school student's Dad, (she had come in crying that she could not find him,) I was home and in dry clothes by 9:30. I know how to have a good time!



Random Questions; Random Days... Saturday, October 25
I know it says Friday, but this question is really for Saturday!
I noticed on our sidebar one of the suggested topics is to write 100 things about yourself. This may be a bit overwhelming for some, so how about sharing 10 things about yourself. You can share more if you like though!
posted by Windy at 11:27 PM 1 Comment

1. I am musical
2. I am structured and orderly, but not in a way the casual observer would recognize.
3. I believe that children keep you young
4. I believe forgiveness is the key to a happy life
5. I love to cross stitch
6. I love my kitties!
7. I love chocolate
8. I love my seesters and my mommy and daddy
9. I love my hubby and my children
10. I believe that we need to find something to laugh about every day.


Random Questions; Random Days... Thursday, October 23
Do you know any interesting trivia about your state/providence/country? Please share.

Michigan produces over 800 varieties of beans

Michigan has the more lighthouses than any other state.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

  1. Country:: City
  2. G:: Air on the G string
  3. Offer:: Accept
  4. Connection:: French
  5. Quest:: Johnny
  6. Lighthouse:: Big Sable
  7. Sycamore:: Tree
  8. Inhumane:: Treatment
  9. Sneer:: Belligerennt
  10. Weapon::Of mass destruction

Unconscious mutterings

We just got back from the vet, and and the FIP/FIV came out negative. We're quarentining him until Sunday due to a mild respiratory thing, but then he'll be able to meet his new "family!" Oh, we decided on "Sid" for his name. Keep ya posted!

Greetings! We got a new kitty last night! He's all black except for a little white patch on his tummy. He's kind of small, so we don't think he's very old yet. Kevin and I want to name him Sid, but Lisa doesn't like the name. Actually, I really wanted his name to be Igor (after Stravinsky) but no one bought that! More later

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Our homes are one of the biggest representations of who we are...........that brings us to this week's questions. *I've changed the questions; briar had a good point; the original ones were reduntant.* Maybe these will do.............
1. Which room in your home is your favorite? Why?
2. Which room would you most like to remodel or change the look of? Why?
3. Which room do you hate cleaning the most?

1. My favorite room has to be the one I spend the most time in, so its the family room. It has all the important stuff; computer, comfy chairs, cross stitching stuff, TV, etc.

2. I have become a "Trading Spaces" junkie, so eventually I would like to change EVERYTHING, but for starters, I want to redo the kitchen. I found a platter in Ludington that would be good "inspiration" for a new color scheme. Kevin has an idea about opening the dining room to combine with the kitchen. Then I'd change the family room, then. . . . . .

3. Who hates cleaning anything more than the bathroom! Nuff said!!


TRIGGER 1::: There was a time......

....when I was not self-aware. I felt like a loose cannon in a self-destruct mode. I'm much better now.

TRIGGER 2::: If I was ever............

hurtful to the people I love and care about, or who love and care about me, I am deeply sorry.

This week's question is........................

What's On your bookshelf Right Now? (pick a shelf; any shelf)

. . . Oh; a couple thousand books, mostly. My bookshelves are also my hiding places. Unfortunately, everyone in my family knows this! Usually the only person I successfully hide things from is me! I can never remenber which bookcase, which shelf, etc.

Good morning! Here's a funny little thing that happened last week. A "necessary evil" in the world of education is a little thing called "after-school detention." It's used mainly for tardies, and other minor trangressions. I take a turn at supervising it every 7 weeks or so. One day during my 6th grade band class, this little guy named Brett kept playing out of turn. After the third time, I said, "Brett! If I have to remind you again, it's going to be an after-school detention for you, and do you know who's doing detention this week? Me! I was in there Monday and I'll be back on Thursday!" Without missing a beat, Brett said, "Wow! What did you DO??"

say ... and you think ... ?

Timeshare:: Condo
Accounts:: Receivable
Temptation:: Sin
Hack:: Taxi driver
Shadow:: boxing
Infection:: bad
800:: Dark Ages
Infidelity:: wrong
Springfield:: Illinois
Gardener:: Peppers

Thursday, October 16, 2003

As you may have noticed, I'm sort of playing hookie from school today. I didn't get home from work until midnight last night, and 5:20 came awfully quickly this morning! Besides, tomorrow is homecoming, so it'll be another LONG, physical day; lots of marching and playing and being out in the cold. Well, I DO have over 100 sick days. It felt good not to get out of bed until 8:30! I'm trying to get all my blog contacts back on my "favorites" list. I think our computer is still funky, because some locations (w/pics) take a long time to load, so it's a good project for today. I paid a visit to "Random days":

Random Questions; Random Days... Thursday, October 16
The Phone: Do you use your phone a lot? Do you make lots of long distance calls? What type of long distance service do you carry and why?

I don't use the phone any more than I have to, because I prefer speaking to people in person. The people I speak with on the phone, consequently, are "long distance" people. We are phone card users. Smart Kevy simply programmed the #s into the memory function, so they are simple, simple to use!

Now, let's have some fun.

1. Do you get enough exercise in your daily life? If not, why not?

2. If you could speak for one minute by phone with anyone in the world, who would it be, and what would you talk about?

3. If you could automatically know the answer to one question about about every person you met, what would you want that question to be?

1. I borrowed a pedometer from the P.E. dept. and confirmed that I do indeed walk a LOT just during the school day. I walk 2 - 3 mules a day just in my regular travels back and forth from building to building. In the summer I love to walk at the beach 3 miles a day, but I don't always have time to go during the week once school starts.

2. In honor of this week being the week Barbra S. released her 60th album, I will say that I would spend my minute talking to her about how much I love her work, and I'd ask her if it could be me playing the trumpet solo on her next CD!

3. Ah... here's the hard one!! I think the challenge and enjoyment in meeting new people is the whole "clean slate" thing. I also think that even one "known" might cause us to deprive ourselves of a potential relationship with a person who could really enrich our lives. We should encounter people with as few preconceptions as possible.

Monday, October 13, 2003

It's the beginning of the workweek once again. Oh my, how our weekends fly by! And now for this week's questions........
1. How often do you change or add to your blogroll list? If you don't use blogroll, how often do you add or change links to your 'favorite reads' list?
2. Do you visit your blogrolls regularly? If so, how often?
3. Do you visit other people's blogrolls or 'faves' list?
4. About how many blogs have you blogrolled (or have linked on your blog)?
5. Do you change your layout or color scheme regularly? If so, how often? If not, have you thought about changing the look of your blog? Feel free to elaborate!

1.I don't have one. I mooch off the MMadness one.
2. I visit MM a couple times a week to "jump off"
3. I like to visit my fam, and Colleen from Canada.
4. None. I,m very minimalist, and the computer has been on the Fritz (whoever he is)
5. Never! As a matter of fact, all I seem to have right now is a blank page. Help!

Sunday, October 12, 2003

I can't get anything on my regular blog page but the background. I can get in to this edit mode, but I don't have anyone's blog info, so I'm stuck! HELP!

I think I'm back on track with the computer at home. Kevin reinstalled only the programs we need, so hopefully we'll be "in business" again for a while! More later.