sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006
More questions from our fellow participants! Have fun, and if you don't see YOUR question posted, please be patient; it'll show up soon! Thanks to all of you for playing! =)1. From amanda f: What do you do when somebody complements you?a. Smile and say Thanksb. Ignore it and change the subjectc. Complement them backd. Turn red in embarrasment at the attention and look around to see other people's reactione. Take it as your due!2. From shelly: What color are your eyes?3. From kia: What do you like most about yourself?4. From julie: How do you spend Christmas?5. From wide imagination: When do you normally blog? Day or night?6. From rach: What song can you relate to your personal life? Share a line or two of that song.7. From sherle: What is your favorite color for a sleeping environment?
1. I usually smile and say thanks.
2. Brown. Hubby's are hazel and son's are blue. Go figure!
3. It's that I'm trying to be a better person. I think we can all keep working to do more for others, be more understanding, be more patient, be more. . .
4. After church we spend the bulk of the day at home. In the evening we go to K's Mom's. On the weekend we do the S family shindig.
5. During the school year I blog in the pm. Summers and weekends I'm more of an a.m. blogger.
6. I don't think of songs that way. Most songs I only know the first line of, then all the lyrics are "la la na na blah blah. . . "
7. Doesn't matter. It's dark!


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