I've been absent a couple of weeks, but I'm back! Here's my MM:
Sunday, October 29, 2006
This week's questions are, once again, from fellow participants! Thanks to all of you for your questions, AND for playing! Have an awesome week! =)1. From bev:Small town or big city?2. From turtlemoonwave:Do you have a favorite childhood memory, and if so, would you share it?3. From cat:How do you calm down when something has really upset and/or angered you? Do you swallow it? Call a friend and rant? Go in the bathroom and cry? Punch a wall? Walk around muttering to yourself, complete with scary hand gestures?4. From dna princess:What attratcs you to memes?'5. From mads:How reliant are you on computers to get through your day?6. From tizzie:In a crisis, are you calm or do you panic?
1. My current town is not exactly small, but it has a small town feel, which I like. I like being close enough to a big city that I can visit if I want, but I would NOT like to live in one! I like my privacy.
2.We always had a little tree decorating party at Christmas time. It was just us 6 girls and Mom and Dad. We had special treats and we made the tree decorating special.
3. I used to do something physical like throw something or hit something. Now I try reason things out either to myself, or with someone else. Sometimes I rant for a while first, though!
4. Is this a meme? If it is, it's about my only one. My family tells me about them.
5. We take attendance, grade, communicate with colleagues, receive important info from bosses, create assignments, to name a few things we need our computers for (bad sentence). It's a big pain without computers!
6. I am calm in a crisis. Even when I was 11 and packed my sister's arm with frozen hot dogs when she accidently cut herself. Since I'm a teacher it's good to be able to keep a cool head.
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