sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006
Fill in the blank time!! Have fun and have a fabulous week!! =)1. In order to protect my computer from viruses, I use _______.2. I also use _______ for protection from spyware.3. I don't spend nearly enough time _______.4. The first person I usually talk to in the morning is _______.5. It takes me about _______ to get ready in the morning.6. I keep all my appointments in/on _______.7. It takes me about _______ to fall asleep at night.
1. Norton anti-virus
2. Norton anti-virus
3. Exercising
4. my kitties. They are the only ones up in the morning!
5. My full "morning routine" actually takes from 5:15 "get-up" to 6:45 "out-the-door", but that includes packing my lunch, having coffee and about 20 minutes of computer time, as well as the usual stuff.
6. in a tiny calendar book I get from our local music distributor. It starts in August and ends in July. That's when MY year starts and ends! I also carry it with me all the time and I don't have to figure out how to work it!
7. 30 seconds to fall asleep at night. I rarely have trouble sleeping these days. I think it's due to the fact that bedtime (midnightish) and get-up time are so close together!

Have a SUPER holiday, everyone! This is my sweety's fave. It's all about FOOD AND FAMILY!!


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