sharba's blog: 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Sunday, August 29, 2004
It's time for Monday Madness again! Let's play!! (And please give me 24 hours to add your link to our list if I've not done so already. Thank you.) And thanks for playing!Name 3 of your favorite.......1. Colors2. Pizza Toppings3. Department Stores4. Flavors of Candy5. Scents of Candles6. Days of the Week7. Vegetables8. Fruits9. Meals to cook10. Kitchen Gadgets11. Olympic Sports
1, violet, sage and mauve
2. Pepperoni, onions and sausage
3. Crate and Barrel, Barnes and Noble, Tower music
4. Milk chocolate, White chocolate, Dark chocolate
5. Sandalwood, Cranberry, Vanilla
6. saturday, Sunday, Friday
7. Mushrooms, onions, carrots
8. Peaches, Raspberries, Watermelon
9. The meals cooked by Kevin, Lisa or Geoff!
10. Egg slicer. bread machine, food processer
11. Gymnastics, Figure skating,

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Sunday, August 22, 2004
Again, our topic is 'potpourri.' Thank you to all participants who contributed questions!! The following are the final selection from our fellow Monday Madness players.......Have fun!1. Which is more fun, kid's toys or grown-up kid's toys? (ie. Lego's vs. power tools)2. What's your favorite food and why? Which food is your number one weakness?3. How many blogs/journals/diaries would you say you read?4. Do you feel you have an obligation to spread your religious belief system to others, or do you think religion is a private matter that everyone needs to decide for themselves?5. Did you keep a paper journal before blogging?6. Describe your life in 3 words.7. What was the last thing you were wrong about?8. What one thing would you do to help the world be a better place for all?9. Are you a dog person or a cat person?10. If you could start your own meme (And you can!), what kind of questions would you ask?

1. Kids' toys! I think I had the most fun with legos when my kids were small.
2. Pizza and chocolate are tied for first place. I think chocolate is number one for weakness. Sometimes I just HAVE to have it!
3. I probably read about 6 regularly. Family members plus colleen and a couple of others occasionally.
4. I do not feel an obligation to spread it, but I'm not afraid to discuss it if someone is interested.
5. Still do sometimes!
6. Music, family, teaching.
7. The last big thing was probably allowing the summer play to be delayed 2 weeks. It worked out ok, but we could have done it on the 30th.
8. I don't think that way. I do the best I can in my work and forget about the "woulda-coulda-shoulda". I don't think it's healthy to dwell on what don't do, but focus on what you can and will do.
9. Yes, I am a dog and a cat person.
10. I'm happy answering other peoples' questions!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Sunday, August 15, 2004
Another selection of questions suggested by our fellow participants!! Have fun!! =)1. If you could only take one item with you on to a desserted island what book, movie, music would you take?2. What's the most disgusting thing that you have ever eaten or even just put in your mouth??3. What one thing would you do differently if given the chance?4. What political party, if any, do you belong to?5. Do you like icees?6. East or West?7. Will we ever "all" be happy with the current political situation????8. Cookies or Crackers?9. What fun thing did you do today?...and #10 has nothing to do with any of the above questions.........10. Why??
1. Book: The bible; a study version. Music: My trumpet with the Arban Book. Movie: I can't really think of one that I love that much, but I guess, "The Mirror has two Faces"
2. Oysters on the half shell. YUCHH!! Raw, slimey. . . .what's to like? 3. I am a firm believer in "cause and effect", so I don't think you could change one thing without changing everything that comes after, so I would change nothing. 4. 5. I like icees, but they contain too much sugar, so I never have them. 6. West. 7. No. How could that be?? 8. Cookies! Chocolate chip; homemade! 9. I'll answer this about yesterday, since I haven't had time to do anything yet today. I had a nice visit with sis #5, who is in town for a visit. I'm looking forward to spending the day with her and her family! 10. Kismet.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Greetings! Well, the play went well. I have a couple of weeks of summer to enjoy before going back to school. More later!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Greetings!Well, my summer play will FINALLY be coming to an end! Our performance is tomorrow. I think it will be ok. I don't know if I have someone to run lights yet, but. . . .

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

greetings all! It only took me about 13 tries to log in today! Anyway, i (shift key trouble) just returned from a very nice visit on the other side of the state. The "P" word did come up, but we were able to amicably agree to disagree! I only spent 16 bucks at the cross stitch store. Turns out I already have most of the pattern books I like! It looks lke my incentive to clean has come at last! Sis #5 will be visiting nextweek. I'm looking forward to it! Later!

Monday, August 09, 2004

I don't know what i did differently, but i got logged in. Yesterday was our 23rd anniverary. Whew! Where does the time go? ther's a question for the MM, otto!

Well, I'm at school, and I can log into blogger from here, but I still am having trouble at home. Here's Monday Madness:

Sunday, August 08, 2004
I received some really great questions from our participants and I want to thank each and every one of you who submitted a question. Since I will be asking 10 questions per week, all of the questions submitted will be used at some point within the next month. So our theme for the next month will be 'Potpourri!' I've randomly selected 10 questions from my list and here's what came up. Have fun! Remember, you're answering your fellow Monday Madness players' questions! Again, thank you! =)1. Whtat's "it" all about, anyway?2. What radical political ideas do you have, if any?3. Do you believe that you 'fit' the profile of your astrological star sign?4. Will blogging survive 2005 or is it a fad?5. Do you Ebay? If so, what and how often? Is it a full-time job, part-time hobby, or just to clear the junk from your house?6. True or False: When I vote, I am all for one party.7. Meat or veggie sauce on your spaghetti?8. Would you ever be on a TV Reality Show?9. What is one thing (or place) that you would like to do (or see) that you have not yet done (or seen?)10. Do you answer memes honestly?
1. It's all about being comfortable in your own skin and living and ENJOYING your life to its utmost!
3. I think those things are just vague enough that we can all make ourselves fit our profile!
4. It will certainly survive in my family! There is no better way to stay in touch with each other.
5. No.
6. True
7. Both.
8. No.
9. When I am finished teaching I'd like to see more of our great country.
10. Yes. If I can't be honest, I don't comment at all.

Hopefully I'll get the login mystery solved soon!

Monday, August 02, 2004

Sunday, August 01, 2004
It's been a busy week, so I will be updating our 'recent participants' list immediately after this post. Thanks for all your patience! And now for this week's questions.......True or False:1. I always exercise my right to vote. (If you are under 18, 'I will always exercise my right to vote as soon as I am old enough to.')2. I pay little or no attention to the campaign ads aired on television prior to a presidential election.3. I can see myself running for some type of political office someday.4. I believe we will see a woman become president in my lifetime.5. I try to keep an open mind regarding all political issues.6. I believe the drinking age should be raised.7. I think the legal age to vote should be raised.8. I thought these qustions were interesting.9. I will be back to play again!~Bonus Question~ (stole this idea from wild fl0w3r!)10. If I was the moderator of this meme, one question I would ask is........

1. Other than that time the school board member (from the school my kids didn't attend) was running unopposed, yes.
2. Most of those are CaCa! If I need info on a candidate, that's NOT where I would get it!
3. False!
4. God, I hope so!
5. True, but once I have an opinion, watch out!
6. False. I think raising it would just result in more illegal drinkers. thee are as many drinkers on college campuses today as there were when I was in school. . when the drinking age was 18.
7. False! If you are old enough to go off to "fight for our country", you're old enough to vote.
8. True.
9. true.
10. Ain't you clever! This is the hardest question here. Sorry! I can't think of one!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Sunday, July 25, 2004
Here is the beginning of each of the following questions.....'If you had your choice between this and that, what would you do?'1. Skipping and Running2. Coke or Pepsi3. Rock or Hip Hop4. Laptop or Desktop5. Cold Weather or Hot Weather6. Swimming or Bicycling7. Chocolate or Vanilla8. Day or Night9. Looks or Brains10. Cable, DSL, or Dial-UpThank you so much for playing!! =) And thanks to Sherle and Alex for helping with my questions.

2. Diet Pepsi
3. Classical
4. Desktop
5. Hot weather with AC options
6. Swimming
8. Yes
9. Brains
10. Cable