sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Sunday, August 22, 2004
Again, our topic is 'potpourri.' Thank you to all participants who contributed questions!! The following are the final selection from our fellow Monday Madness players.......Have fun!1. Which is more fun, kid's toys or grown-up kid's toys? (ie. Lego's vs. power tools)2. What's your favorite food and why? Which food is your number one weakness?3. How many blogs/journals/diaries would you say you read?4. Do you feel you have an obligation to spread your religious belief system to others, or do you think religion is a private matter that everyone needs to decide for themselves?5. Did you keep a paper journal before blogging?6. Describe your life in 3 words.7. What was the last thing you were wrong about?8. What one thing would you do to help the world be a better place for all?9. Are you a dog person or a cat person?10. If you could start your own meme (And you can!), what kind of questions would you ask?

1. Kids' toys! I think I had the most fun with legos when my kids were small.
2. Pizza and chocolate are tied for first place. I think chocolate is number one for weakness. Sometimes I just HAVE to have it!
3. I probably read about 6 regularly. Family members plus colleen and a couple of others occasionally.
4. I do not feel an obligation to spread it, but I'm not afraid to discuss it if someone is interested.
5. Still do sometimes!
6. Music, family, teaching.
7. The last big thing was probably allowing the summer play to be delayed 2 weeks. It worked out ok, but we could have done it on the 30th.
8. I don't think that way. I do the best I can in my work and forget about the "woulda-coulda-shoulda". I don't think it's healthy to dwell on what don't do, but focus on what you can and will do.
9. Yes, I am a dog and a cat person.
10. I'm happy answering other peoples' questions!


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