sharba's blog: 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

So. . .here's the scoop on clicker training. It was developed in the 60's for training dolphins by the military. It began to be used in the 90's for training service dogs. It is basically Classical Conditioning. A clicker (like in the home version of Jeopardy) is used to mark the desired behavior of the dog. The dog then receives a reward of either food, play or praise. Very small food reinforcers are used initially. When that clicker comes out they KNOW goodies are in their future! Our class is 6 weeks, and the behaviors we want to accomplish include a 30" "down", a 1' "sit", "off" (don't touch), walking on a lead, "come". Once the basic behavior is there, we begin to add "the three D's: Duration, distractions and Distance. From there, the sky's the limit. You can add "not barking at certain sounds", "not chewing on kitties", "releasing the ball when retrieving" and many others. Once a behavior is ingrained, you can replace the click with a verbal release, and the food reinforcer with praise or play.  The bottom line is that the training is all about POSITIVE reinforcement, not fear and intimidation. we think it's a great technique, but if you're interested, I really recommend finding a pro and learning it with their guidance. Like with any type of animal behavior, it's really about training the human!

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Sunday, July 18, 2004
 I thought I'd get this week's questions up early for you all! (To make up for last week.) Don't forget to leave me a comment when you've answered!! Thank you so much! Let's talk about YOU again!1. Do you prefer to be out in the sun or in the shade?2. Regarding the walls in your house, do you prefer neutral colors or bright colors?3. When hanging pictures on your walls, do you like things symmetric or asymmetric?4. How about where you'd like to live; country or city?5. Your blog; Blogger, Blogdrive, Blog-City, or another one altogether?6. Email; Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, or other?7. Air conditioning or just a fan when it's hot at night?8. Dinner; seafood or steak? 9. Your all-time favorite music media; CD's, cassette tapes, or vinyl (or 8-tracks)?10. When learning a new software program, do you find it easier to follow a book or an online tutorial?
1. If there's a good breeze, the sun.
2. Neutral has been my norm, but i'm thinking about trying something bolder after all of my "Trading Spaces" viewing!
3. Symmetric.
4. I like where I live now. I live in a residential area close to stuff i like to do and places I like to go.
5. Huh?
6. E mail
7. Central air. Heat and humidity makes me cry!
8. CDs
9. Seafood
10. Tutorials

1. If you were walking down the street behind someone and they dropped a $20 bill, would you try to give it back to them or automatically pocket it?2. If a clerk gives you more change than you were supposed to get what do you do?3. What would you do if you were saw an old lady or man struggling with a bag of groceries? What if he/she dropped the bag or it busted?
1. Once I was taking my walk and found two ENDORSED checks totalling almost $1,000.00. All I had to do was take them to a bank and cash them. I called the guy, got his answering machine, and left a message that said, "I found something that I think you will REALLY want to have back." Needless to say, he was greatful.
2. If I catch it while it's happening, I tell them. It's happened a number of times. If I get home and realize it, I don't.
3. I help!

Sunday, July 11, 2004
 Let's try some 'true or false' questions this week! Feel free to elaborate as you wish!1. I like my job.True. I've been at it for 25 years. If I didn't like it, it would be a sad thing! 2. I find time to 'smell the flowers' so to speak. True, but MUCH more so in the summer, since I don't work. 3. I have no problem thinking of things to write about in my blog. True. It's harder to find the time than a subject. 4. 'Organization' is my middle name! Um. . . let's say I organize, but not conventionally. I understand my system (usually) but others don't always see it. 5. If 'Plan A' doesn't work, there's always a 'Plan B.' True. .. . and if that doesn't work, there's a plan 'c'. God's plan isn't always what we think it will be. We need to learn to go with the flow. It took me a while to learn that, but it sure makes life easier! 6. I adjust easily to new surroundings. false, but I'm working on that too! 7. I'd rather work 'behind the scenes' than 'in the spotlight.' True. I'd rather direct the play than star in it! 8. I'm happy where I am, at this point in my life. True, but that doesn't make I don't have room for improvement! I think we either get better or we get worse. We never stay the same. Life is NOT static! 9. I can wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. True. It's true for everyone if they don't care what time they get up!. Ha Ha! I know what you mean. During the school year when I am in the mode, I wake up before my alarm 95% of the time. 10. I can function pretty well on less than 8 hours of sleep. What's 8 hours of sleep?? People who know me know the answer to this one. It will interest you to know that in my old age, I now function best on 5-6 hrs. of sleep instead of 4-5 hrs.

well, it's good to have a computer again! we had a nice visit and dinner at Mom and Dad's and picked up the computer then.  We brought Ralphie with us. He seems much less nervous in the car, but he still "ralphed" once; when we stopped at a produce market just before we got to Mom and Dad's. Good thing I line my back seat with plastic! Other than being a bit noisy, he was a very good boy. He's getting much bette about adapting to new environments. By the time we were ready to leave, he was acting like he owned the place!
The kids survived band camp together this past week.  It was quiet around the house, and a LOT less messy. Children can be such slobs! It's still nice to have them home again . . . I guess!
Mom, I need my spider solitaire!
I'm going to sign off for now because I have a lot of blog reading to catch up on as well. More late, but soon!

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Hello to all you Sharba fans! This message is brought to you by the blog faerie, otherwise known as Sharba's mom.

Sharba is fine. Her computer is NOT! For a little update, she felt bad about missing Monday Madness especially and still plans to give us a progress report on Ralphy's puppy training. She is also working with students and former students on a summer community theater project scheduled for July 30.

Lisa and Geoff are both working at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp... a tradition for them the past few years. They will get a break soon in order to attend Lisa's high school band camp where Geoffrey will be an instructor!!! You GO kids!!!

Since this is Sharba's blog, not mine, I'd better quit here. If you want to know what I've been doing, check out my blog... Grumbleeze. Meanwhile, Sharba has Kevvy on the case... and Frank..... so don't give up. She'll be back!