sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Sunday, July 11, 2004
 Let's try some 'true or false' questions this week! Feel free to elaborate as you wish!1. I like my job.True. I've been at it for 25 years. If I didn't like it, it would be a sad thing! 2. I find time to 'smell the flowers' so to speak. True, but MUCH more so in the summer, since I don't work. 3. I have no problem thinking of things to write about in my blog. True. It's harder to find the time than a subject. 4. 'Organization' is my middle name! Um. . . let's say I organize, but not conventionally. I understand my system (usually) but others don't always see it. 5. If 'Plan A' doesn't work, there's always a 'Plan B.' True. .. . and if that doesn't work, there's a plan 'c'. God's plan isn't always what we think it will be. We need to learn to go with the flow. It took me a while to learn that, but it sure makes life easier! 6. I adjust easily to new surroundings. false, but I'm working on that too! 7. I'd rather work 'behind the scenes' than 'in the spotlight.' True. I'd rather direct the play than star in it! 8. I'm happy where I am, at this point in my life. True, but that doesn't make I don't have room for improvement! I think we either get better or we get worse. We never stay the same. Life is NOT static! 9. I can wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. True. It's true for everyone if they don't care what time they get up!. Ha Ha! I know what you mean. During the school year when I am in the mode, I wake up before my alarm 95% of the time. 10. I can function pretty well on less than 8 hours of sleep. What's 8 hours of sleep?? People who know me know the answer to this one. It will interest you to know that in my old age, I now function best on 5-6 hrs. of sleep instead of 4-5 hrs.


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