Snow day today! That's always great news, except I was supposed to see talent show acts after school today, for a Sat. night show. I don't know now if I should reschedule everything for next week, or what. I have call-back auditions for the play after school tomorrow, and the Bball games are at home, so. . . . I had 45 kids try out for the play! I had 4 solid hrs. of auditions Tuesday. Anyway I thought I'd do some blogging. I also have been having trouble leaving messages. I tried with Bug and OttO the other day to no avail.
Random Questions; Random Days... Wednesday, January 21
Do you have kids? Grandchildren? How many?
posted by Windy at 7:40 AM
I have 2 great kids, no grandkids and don't want any for a while because my kids are 16 and 18 (almost 19) My 16 year old has her drivers license, which is very freeing for me because I no longer have to cart her around!
Random Questions; Random Days... Tuesday, January 20
What's your job? Are you doing what you thought you'd be doing at this point in your life? Explain
I am doing exactly what I thought I'd be doing at this point in my life. I have been teaching music for 25 years, in the same school from the time I graduated from CMU. I have expanded my duties for the past few years by directing the school play. I felt it was time our students experienced the fun of musical theater. After many years of personal involvement in musicals through playing in the pit, I took the leap and started up a "new tradition" at our school. I had the help of "Broadway Jr." production kits and the collaberation with the young lady who had previously been the play director. We worked together the first 2 years, then she took a different job in a different community. I still had some help with choreography and acting coaching last year, but this year I'm pretty much on my own. My choreographer just had a baby and the acting coach just got married. I am also teaching an acting class. I am until "dubya" says I can't (No Child Left Behind) because I don't have a major or minor in dramatic arts. With 5 years left, I have no plans to go back to school and get one. I plan on starting my next career in catering after that, and that's what I plan to study and prepare for next. Well, this is about my limit on the typing for one sitting!
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Monday, January 19, 2004
Sunday, January 18, 2004
Let's try something different this week. For each of the statements below, put a T for true or F for false. Oh yeah; please feel FREE to elaborate! Have fun! And a big THANK YOU goes to sherle for this idea! Also, please know that I'm in the process of updating the participants list. Your link will be added within 24 hours! Promise!
1. I often wake up before my alarm clock goes off.
True. I'm a creature of habit. My internal alarm goes off at 5; my "external" one at 5:10. Sometimes kitties wake me earlier!
2. I love to drive; in any kind of weather!
False. I'd rather cross stitch in the car with someone else driving. Everyone who knows me and my driving wishes the same thing!
3. I'd rather have to worry about staying warm than staying cool.
True. You can only take off so much to get cool!
4. I wish I lived in another state.
False. Mich. suits me just fine; especially the lakeshore.
5. Multi-tasking is what I do best!
True, which is why I hate driving.
6. Flying is the only way to go!
False, I guess, since I've never flown anywhere!
7. Budgeting my money is one of my downfalls.
8. I wish there was 8 days in the week!
False unlass it was a weekend day!
9. I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
Very false. I think once when I was sick I might have gotten that much sleep. That probably explains my sweet disposition!
10. I'm a night owl.
True. Unfortunately, I like being an early bird too.
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Sunday, January 11, 2004
In each of the following questions, fill in the blank.....
1. When I sing, I sound like an alto. I'm ok up to an f6, but my best range is lower.
2.June is my favorite month of the year. School is ending and I have a great sense of freedom in the summer. I love my job, but, hey! Work? No Work? No brainer!!
3. I've always wanted to improve my typing skills.
4. It's Monday morning, and the first thing that goes through my mind is my basic plan for the week; both before and after work time. This week my baby turns 16! She passed her driving test on the day of "Blizzard 2004 and she's ready to go!.
5. My favorite day of the week is variable, but usually Saturday because I can do what I want. Now that I'm starting the play, I'll be rehearsing on Saturdays, though. This year we're doing "Fiddler"
6. I used to/currently collect everything! My oldest "collection is a box of 100 mint condition vintage "Mad Magazines" dating from 1972 - 1977. Anybody interested??
7. At the end of a work day/school day, the first thing I want to do is change my clothes and sit at the computer. I also would like something to eat, unfortunately! I'm trying to change that one.
8. I really look forward to Christmas because it's my favorite holiday. It's the main time our whole family gets together. I also like the Fourth of July, because some of us get together, and, well it's summer!
9. When I need some down-time, I usually CROSS-STITCH! 'Nuf said.
10. I plan to travel to the western part of the U.P. someday. I/ve never been up to the Iron Mt. area. The trip up would be gorgeous too!
Monday, January 05, 2004
Sunday, January 04, 2004
Slang.........this week's questions are all about slang.
1. Do you use any slang words on a regular basis?
At school I often say "you da man!" or "you da woman!" as encouragement or positive reinforcement.
2. Is there any one slang word that really bothers you when you hear others use it?
The age old "ain't" is probably one of my main "pet peeves." Many slang terms are "fads", but "ain't" is just ignorant-sounding to me. I also have a peeve that isn't slang so much as a grammar error. It's the ever increasing misuse of the word "at." More and more people are tacking it on to the ends of sentences: "Where are we at?" It it totally nonessential, and just wrong!!
3. Do you have a favorite slang word?
I have no favorite. I think we have gotten so far away from true "English" that lines are beginning to cross on slang and nonslang. Example: "yeah"
4. What are your thoughts on adding slang words to the dictionary? Slang is always marked as such, so I really don't have a problem with it.