sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Sunday, January 11, 2004

In each of the following questions, fill in the blank.....
1. When I sing, I sound like an alto. I'm ok up to an f6, but my best range is lower.
2.June is my favorite month of the year. School is ending and I have a great sense of freedom in the summer. I love my job, but, hey! Work? No Work? No brainer!!
3. I've always wanted to improve my typing skills.
4. It's Monday morning, and the first thing that goes through my mind is my basic plan for the week; both before and after work time. This week my baby turns 16! She passed her driving test on the day of "Blizzard 2004 and she's ready to go!.
5. My favorite day of the week is variable, but usually Saturday because I can do what I want. Now that I'm starting the play, I'll be rehearsing on Saturdays, though. This year we're doing "Fiddler"
6. I used to/currently collect everything! My oldest "collection is a box of 100 mint condition vintage "Mad Magazines" dating from 1972 - 1977. Anybody interested??
7. At the end of a work day/school day, the first thing I want to do is change my clothes and sit at the computer. I also would like something to eat, unfortunately! I'm trying to change that one.
8. I really look forward to Christmas because it's my favorite holiday. It's the main time our whole family gets together. I also like the Fourth of July, because some of us get together, and, well it's summer!
9. When I need some down-time, I usually CROSS-STITCH! 'Nuf said.
10. I plan to travel to the western part of the U.P. someday. I/ve never been up to the Iron Mt. area. The trip up would be gorgeous too!


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