sharba's blog: 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Sunday, December 28, 2003

These questions are suggested by my daughter, so I thought I'd give it a shot! Let's see if we can break a record here folks! She'd be delighted to know that more people answered her questions than mine! Happy New Year!!
1. List three words to describe yourself.
2. List three words to describe your job.
3. List three words to describe your computer.

1. Musical, Amusing, Creative
2. Constantly evolving, Challenging
3. Educates, Entertains, Communicates

Way to go, Alex! Good questions. Keep giggling!

Monday, December 22, 2003

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Good day to everyone! I know you're all busy shopping and doing all that last-minute stuff we do before a big holiday, but I hope you like these questions well enough to take a few moments to answer........It's all about money this time. So let's do it! Each of the questions below begin with 'How much would YOU pay for'..........
1. a pair of dress shoes - 20 bucks
2. a pair of jeans - 30 bucks
3. a pound of ground round - 2 bucks
4. a music cd - 15
5. a computer - ?
6. a loaf of bread - 2
7. a dvd movie - 20 (if I had a player . . christmas is coming!)
8. an ironing board - ? I never bought one in my life! Kitchen table works fine
9. a hair cut - 68 + tip for a color, cut & style
10. a magazine - 3 or 4 bucks (although my MAD MAG. coll. has issues for 40 cents!)

Hmmm..... Money is not really my dept., so some of the bigger ticket items I won't be able to answer.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Well, the surgery is over and the kid is home. The doc did some fairly substantial reconstruction of the knee cartiledge. He'll need to be off that leg for 8 weeks rather than the original 3, due to the extent of the damage. The worst part painwise right now is the knee cap, which had to be pulled back and out of the way so he could work on the damaged area. We set up a bed downstairs so he wouldn't have to negotiate the stairs. (Right next to the Christmas tree!) Now, it's time to start my Christmas shopping!

Monday, December 15, 2003

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Well the final episode of 'Survivor' is on, but there's a commercial on SO, here comes this week's questions. It's all about color. For the following 10 items, name the color that, in your opinion, best describes it.
1. your mood:
2. your personality:
3. your job (or your past job) OR your school:
4. your home:
5. your imagination:
6. nature:
7. your name:
8. wealth:
9. the perfect car:
10. good health:

Also, I will be updating my 'participants' list soon! If I have forgotten to add you, please email me!
1. Orange
2. Mostly yellow, but sometimes purple
3. Red & White (school colors - cop out; I know!)
4. Soothing blue
5. Blue, green and yellow, and purple
6. Earth tones
7. Purple
8. Black
9. Champagne
10. Blue

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Hey "Sister#4", is there some place we can find YOU in blogland? It's nice to see you visiting! (more later)

Monday, December 08, 2003

Sunday, December 07, 2003

All you have to do for this week's questions is put a number (1-10) as your answer; 1 being worse or lowest, 10 being best or highest. Let's have some fun! The following questions all begin with...
On a scale from one to ten.........
1. How proficient are you in typing? 3
2. How well-organized are you? 5
3. How adventurous are you? 3
4. How cool is the outfit that you're wearing right now? 2
5. How well do you sing in the shower? 8
6. How cool do your kids think you are? 7
7. How well do you manage your money? Not my department
8. How efficient are you when it comes to meeting deadlines? 8
9. How much do you like winter? 6
10. How big of a 'pack-rat' are you? 10

Saturday, December 06, 2003

It's been a busy week! When Geoff got back to school Sunday, his knee gave out and he hasn't been able to bear weight on his right leg since. He had an appointment with an orth. guy yesterday and he will be needing surgery. He has cartilege that has been tearing and wearing off and he now has a "pot hole" that has to be cleaned out and repaired. It involves getting underneath the kneecap, so it's going to require a short stay in the hospital (2-3 days) to manage pain. He had to postpone his piano jury because he is unable to use the piano pedal. The surgery is scheduled for Dec. 18, because he has exams next week. The party will have to wait another year. More later

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Sunday, November 30, 2003

It's all about memes...........let's talk about memes!
1. How many memes do you participate in regularly?
2. How do you decide which memes you participate in?
3. Do you run one of your own meme? If so, please leave your link! If not, have you thought of running your own?
4. Is there a certain day of the week that works better for you to answer memes than others?

1. This is the only one I respond to without fail, but I also do Lulu's lines, Random Questions, and a couple of others once in a while.
2. I just decide by seeing them on other peoples' blogs, and if thy seem intriguing.
3. I don't run my own. My blog activity is more reactive than proactive.
4. Weekends are usually easier times for me to get to the blog. Sometimes I spend a bit of time before work on the computer, but I have to leave at 6:45 so. . . .

I couldn't get to "Monday Madness" site (error 500???) I'll try later