sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Monday, December 15, 2003

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Well the final episode of 'Survivor' is on, but there's a commercial on SO, here comes this week's questions. It's all about color. For the following 10 items, name the color that, in your opinion, best describes it.
1. your mood:
2. your personality:
3. your job (or your past job) OR your school:
4. your home:
5. your imagination:
6. nature:
7. your name:
8. wealth:
9. the perfect car:
10. good health:

Also, I will be updating my 'participants' list soon! If I have forgotten to add you, please email me!
1. Orange
2. Mostly yellow, but sometimes purple
3. Red & White (school colors - cop out; I know!)
4. Soothing blue
5. Blue, green and yellow, and purple
6. Earth tones
7. Purple
8. Black
9. Champagne
10. Blue


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