First: MM
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Since I haven't received any emails from my faithful participants, offering questions (hint, hint), I will have to come up with my own... =)1. Name 1 toy you owned when you were younger, that meant a lot to you.2. Name 2 games you enjoyed playing as a child.3. Name 3 foods you didn't like as a child, but do now.4. Name 4 foods you didn't like as a child, and still don't like.
1. My stuffed german shepherd dog that I had WELL into adulthood!
2. I enjoyed playing Monopoly and Life.
3. I can't think of many! MAYBE chicken liver pate, but I may have eaten that as a kid too. I just recently started eating broccoli, but only the stalky parts. I really can't think of a third. I'm kind of a pickier eater now than when I was a kid!
4. BEEF LIVER! I used to literally make me gag, and I'm willing to check on my current status! I still don't eat pineapple because of the bad reaction I had when I ate it fresh. I am still not a fan of bean soup. As a matter of fact, the one time I tried it as an adult, I coincidentally ended up being sick for 4 days! Last but not least, I still hate licorice. I know people who can't get enough of the stuff. Yuch!
Well, today is my first day of Christmas break. I have been fighting a cold for the past week, and yesterday it hit with a wallop. I was completely without a voice by the end of the day. That crud settles into my chest and renders my vocal chords completely useless. I slept most of the rest of the day/night when I got home. Hopefully I'll be more productive today. I'm still voiceless and congested, but I feel somewhat better. I have my bookshelves back in the house along with all my boxes full of books. I want to try to get that squared away so my house doesn't look like a storage facility! I also need to start my Christmas shopping. . . .
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
It's all about words! For the following, please list as many words as you wish...1. Words most commonly mispronounced.2. Words used improperly.3. Words most often misspelled.4. Words or phrases that you feel are over-used.
1. Nu-cle-ar (Thanks Mamie and dubya!), often (I'm a "no t" pronouncer)
2. The latest is "transition". IT IS NOT A VERB! STOP USING IT THAT WAY!! "At" as in "where're we at?" WRONG WRONG WRONG!! "seen": I seen it - YECH!!
3. "Collectible" as in 'things you wish to acquire and accumulate" spelled "Collectable", which is 'the ability to do so.' In my line of work, I see too many words to mention that are misspelled!
4. "Awesome", "Dude",
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
This week's questions are all about moving... Have fun, and thank you so much for playing! =)1. When is the last time you moved?2. How many times in your life have you moved?3. In your opinion, what is the worst thing about moving?4. What is the most exciting thing about moving?5. If you've lived in the same place all your life, do you plan to move in the future?6. Do you WANT to move somewhere else; if so, where?
The last time I moved was May of '96. We moved approx. 5 miles, into a bigger house with a bigger yard.
2. From the time I was 3, I have only moved 6 times, and that INCLUDES a dorm and apt. while I was in college!
3. The worst thing about moving is getting the house you are living in ready to sell. And carrying heavy stuff.
4. The most exciting thing about it the new space, and having a clean start; no dust bunnies or kitty fur.
5. I really like the lakeshore area where I live and have no plans to move. Ever.
6. I grew up in Eastern mid-Mich. and now I live in Western mid'Mich. I am happy where I am, I can afford to live here and I like having 4 seasons. Other places are nice to visit, but many have too high a cost of living, too many people and beaches that are too crowded, dirty and too far away. No thank you!