sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

First: MM
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Since I haven't received any emails from my faithful participants, offering questions (hint, hint), I will have to come up with my own... =)1. Name 1 toy you owned when you were younger, that meant a lot to you.2. Name 2 games you enjoyed playing as a child.3. Name 3 foods you didn't like as a child, but do now.4. Name 4 foods you didn't like as a child, and still don't like.
1. My stuffed german shepherd dog that I had WELL into adulthood!
2. I enjoyed playing Monopoly and Life.
3. I can't think of many! MAYBE chicken liver pate, but I may have eaten that as a kid too. I just recently started eating broccoli, but only the stalky parts. I really can't think of a third. I'm kind of a pickier eater now than when I was a kid!
4. BEEF LIVER! I used to literally make me gag, and I'm willing to check on my current status! I still don't eat pineapple because of the bad reaction I had when I ate it fresh. I am still not a fan of bean soup. As a matter of fact, the one time I tried it as an adult, I coincidentally ended up being sick for 4 days! Last but not least, I still hate licorice. I know people who can't get enough of the stuff. Yuch!

Well, today is my first day of Christmas break. I have been fighting a cold for the past week, and yesterday it hit with a wallop. I was completely without a voice by the end of the day. That crud settles into my chest and renders my vocal chords completely useless. I slept most of the rest of the day/night when I got home. Hopefully I'll be more productive today. I'm still voiceless and congested, but I feel somewhat better. I have my bookshelves back in the house along with all my boxes full of books. I want to try to get that squared away so my house doesn't look like a storage facility! I also need to start my Christmas shopping. . . .


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