Ola! I'm getting ready to spend another day at school - in meetings and presentations. I think we have to do this so spending our days with the students is all the more appealing. Thought I'd MM before I left.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
This week's questions are coming off the top of my head; hope you enjoy! Hope you all have a great week, and thanks for playing! =)1. Do you do dishes by hand or do you use a dishwasher?2. How many people have your cell phone number?3. Do you shower in the morning or at night?4. Do you ever have a song 'stuck' in your head?5. Do you pay your bills when they arrive, or do you wait until closer to the due date to pay them?6. Are you obsessive about anything in particular?7. What one thing would you say you have a zero tolerance for?
1. Dishwasher.
2. I think about 4 people have it: 2 kids, hubby and mommy!
3. Morning
4. I teach music. There are always songs in my head; and voices, and arguments, and ... Oh! Never mind!
5. Kevy pays them on his own schedule. Nothing is ever "shut off", so he must do OK!
6. I'll just say "yes" and leave it at that!
7. I'll just say "yes" and refer you to question #6, but "I'm much better!"
More later, and more pics later
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
We returned Thurs pm. from taking L to school. It feels weird around here! All reports from her a great, though. She's having fun meeting new people and becoming familiar with her new surroundings. She got to move in the day before her roomie thanks to the premium plan (housing arrangement) so she got the bed by the window and away from the door. All is well with the roomie. She starts classes on Monday! You can view BSU pics at Sharbaspix. More later
Monday, August 07, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Good Monday morning to you all! Let's get on with this week's questions...1. Are you working on any big projects around your house right now?2. If so, tell us about it; if not, do you have any plans to do so in the near future?3. How do you generally pay for merchandise at your local store? Debit, credit, check, or cash?4. Which month of the year seems to go by the fastest?5. Which day of the week seems to go by the fastest?6. Have you taken up any new hobbies lately?
1 & 2. Last year we redid the main living area of our house including a complete kitchen redo. We are still "recovering" from that, but our bathrooms are next. We plan to move our laundry from the basement to the main floor bathroom. We already have the stackable appliances, since our dryer "gave up the ghost" last fall.
3. The hubby is very creative with finances. He finds "same as cash" opportunities and knows how and when every major item will be paid for before any major purchase is made.
4. The summer months go by the fastest!
5. Sunday seems to go by the fastest.
6. My newest hobby is photography. I am enjoying it thoroughly. You can check my progress at http://sharbaspix.blogspot.com
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Hey bug and cassie b! I posted some critter pics as requested! I'm really enjoying my new photo hobby. I find myself looking at lots of things from a photographic point of view these days. L has most of her pre-college shopping finished. She is preparing for her departure on Aug 16. That's just around the corner! She and her bro have already made a plan to take us out for a nice dinner before she leaves. Our 25th anniverary is on Tuesday.
I just finished teaching at the church summer music week. It ran during VBS. I had a tbn. player and a tpt player. We did some ensemble playing and I taught some warm-up techniques. Kids always underestimate the importance of good warm-ups. I'll be back for MM!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
I'd like to thank you ALL for playing! I hope you enjoy these because I'll be typing them as I think of them! =) Have a great week! 1. Do you have a photo blog? If so, feel free to share the link with us!2. How many pets do you own, and what are their names? If none, have you had a favorite pet in the past?3. How many times a week does the carpet in your house get vacuumed? No carpet? How many times a MONTH do your floors get mopped?4. Which room in your house do you spend the most time in?5. Have you read any good books lately? 6. What is your biggest source of news? (Newspaper? Television? Radio? Other?)
1. I do have a photo blog and I recently started using it again. http://sharbaspix.blogspot.com
2. We have 2 dogs: Ralph and Petey, and 5 kitties (all in-house): the girls - Snickers and Zoey, and the boys - Max, Gus and Iggy. Their photos are all on one of my blog spots.
3.With all these critters, I should vacuum every day, and when we had our Roomba working, the living room did, but it actually gets it about 1 or 2 times a week.
We spend most of our time in the family room. Now that we have a beautiful new kitchen, we do spend more time in there.
5. I am currently reading "The Eyre Affair". It deals with crossing time barriers
6. My biggest news source is TV and radio right now. We are currently not getting the paper, but I don't like not having it.