1. Do you own a digital camera?2. What is your camera of choice?3. If you're a digital camera fan, do you print your own photos, or do you send them in to be printed? If you send them in, do you have a favorite place?4. How many pictures do you take a month?5. How many of those pictures actually get printed?6. Are you planning on purchasing a new camera in the near future?7. CHALLENGE: Go check out Favorite Five Photos and Foto Pherrets and choose just ONE photo to share.
1. Yes, we own one, but it's not part of my daily routine to use it.
3. We take our pics to Sam's club too!
4. I am still an "event" picture taker. I'll work on that!
2. Our camera is a Kodak Easy Share. We love it. It IS easy!
5. Most aren't printed, I'm sorry to say. I do love to sit down with a good photo album.
6. We aren't planning on a new purchase. I don't know about the kids, though, now that they are moving on. L is taking our camera on her trip to Europe. She leaves Saturday.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
This week's questions come from one of our fellow players, tricia! Thank you Tricia, for your fabulous questions. Look for more from Tricia in the upcoming weeks. Thanks to everyone for playing, and have a great week! =)1. How many cop shows can you name?2. Do you send text messages?3. If you could be on a gameshow (current or old), which one would you be on and why?4. What are some of your favorite websites?5. What are your favorite things about the internet?6. What about least favorite?7. What are some good ways to deal with a pet loss?
1. H5-0, Dragnet, NYPD blue, Bill street blues, Barney Miller, C.O.P.S., C.H.I.P.S, A brief Tony Danza sit com, that Leslie Nielsen thing that was supposed to be like "Airplane!", Miami Vice. Well, there's 10, and that's not mentioning cop-esque shows like the CSIs, Law and Order series and PI series!
2. NO!
3. Geopardy or Millionaire are my kind of shows because I know lots of useless information.
4. My favorite sites are all the family sites!
5. My favorite thing about the internet is the immediacy of finding things out. Ya gotta love the Google!
6. The way baddies can find ways to prey on the unsuspecting is my least favorite thing about it.
7. Closure and another pet to fill the void.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I'M FREE!!!!! I thought Friday was going to be my last day, but then we had this "optional" 2 day work session. They were paying a stipend if we attended and it turned out that I would be able to attend part of it, so I went on Monday. Unfortunately I was unable to convince my brain that working the extra day would be a good thing. Consequently, I wasn't all that productive, and the day was agonizingly slow.
L's orientation was Mon and Tues. Originally all three of us were planning on attending, but G had an appointment with a new doc for his knee, so I stayed behind. The knee appt. wasn't all that fruitful, but the orientation went great. L had already tested out of English, and her placement test for French got her through 2 levels! She signed up for her classes and she's all set up at the honors college. Her first day of class is Aug. 21, so she can move any time after the 16th.
My next project is a yard sale. We have furniture and appliances as well as the usual "family treasures". Hopefully we'll be set with that in a couple of weeks. We attended a record six graduation open houses last weekend, but it slows down for the next couple of weeks. I'm so glad ours is behind us! Mom, we're still planning on Friday! Love to all!