Hi! Just an update on our household! First of all, the whole fam damily is doing the "South Beach" lifestyle change. I'm figuring the more people who know, the more people we have to encourage us! So far so good. We started Monday, and we've all had a weight loss so far. My blood sugar levels are excellent and I have been retaining a LOT loss fluids! We're going on vacation next week, but I think this plan will be very "doable" so I plan to try to stay "on the path."
Next week is the week L goes up to Michigan Tech, so Kevy and I are planning to explore the western UP. We've never been as far as Houghton, so we're looking forward to it. There are a lot of lighthouse opportunities on "the point" We'll do lots of documenting with pics!
G won't be going. His classes start on Monday, so he's being paid to "pet sit." He could really use the money, since he can't work this summer. The new doc says it doesn't look like the hip is really the origin of the knee problem, so at least the osteopathy won't be necessary. The other op will happen as soon as a "donor" becomes available.
I'm having a great summer so far, but I haven't been as productive as I'd like to be. . . .
Talk to you all when we get back!! Love to all!!
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
First, the "tag" . . . I just bought 6 Streisand films - Mirror has 2 Faces, Prince of Tides, The Way We were, as a set; Funny Girl and Funny Lady as a set, and Hello Dolly, also as a set. I also got Hello Dolly. I have a couple more that I bought because of Li - she's the one who owns tons of movies. She watches them over and over. Me, not so much. The last movies I saw was Roman Holiday with Li. We will have "movie days" where we watch films together. She loves "Happily ever after" love stories and comedies. I also saw "Phantom" with my Drama kids. I had to have permission slips in order to show it. My "reason for rating" I listed "dangerously high singing".
I don't know anyone I can tag, though!
More later!