Sunday, November 14, 2004
Welcome to Monday Madness! I hope you enjoy this week's game! Thanks to all who play!This week we'll choose one or the other of the following....1. bar soap or shower gel2. cd's or cassettes3. television movies or documentaries4. wall calendar or desk calendar5. dsl, cable, or dial-up6. summer or winter7. city or country8. camping or stay in a hotel9. gold or silver10. fiction or non-fiction books11. mashed potatoes or baked potatoes12. ranch, italian, or catalina dressing13. solid or spray deodorant
1. Bar soap, 2.CD's all the way! 3. Ducumentaries, 4. Desk calendar would get lost! Wall calendar wouldn't be accessible all the time, so pocket calendar. 5. cable (networked !!!!) 6. SUMMER!! 7. Both in its proper time. 9. Gold jewelry, silver trumpets! 12. Bleu Cheese, 11. No preference, 10.Fiction books 13. solid
Monday, November 15, 2004
Friday, November 12, 2004
Howdy! Well, here's one way to find time to get back to blogging: This morning I woke up before my alarm went off, as I frequently do, and noticed it was about a quarter past the hour, which is the time I generally get up. I got up and did my usual routine, occasionally checking the clock to stay on schedule. I usually leave at around quarter to 7. I glance at my watch and see that its almost 5 before the hour. I gather up my things and go out to my car, turn it on and immediately hear music on the radio. I think "where is Morning Edition?" I should be hearing Bob Edwards and Susan Standberg! This time I look at the clock in my car. It's 5:55, not 6:55! I'm not a few minutes late; I'm almost an hour early! Can you believe it??!! All those times I glanced at the clock, I never looked at the hour ; only the minutes! I guess that's partly because my MS room clock is only correct about 20% of the time. The minute hand is right about 80% of the time. There are clocks in the HS that are off by an hour as well. I just got out of the habit of looking at the COMPLETE time!. . . . And it's Friday the 12th, not the 13th!