Monday, November 20, 2006
Fill in the blank time!! Have fun and have a fabulous week!! =)1. In order to protect my computer from viruses, I use _______.2. I also use _______ for protection from spyware.3. I don't spend nearly enough time _______.4. The first person I usually talk to in the morning is _______.5. It takes me about _______ to get ready in the morning.6. I keep all my appointments in/on _______.7. It takes me about _______ to fall asleep at night.
1. Norton anti-virus
2. Norton anti-virus
3. Exercising
4. my kitties. They are the only ones up in the morning!
5. My full "morning routine" actually takes from 5:15 "get-up" to 6:45 "out-the-door", but that includes packing my lunch, having coffee and about 20 minutes of computer time, as well as the usual stuff.
6. in a tiny calendar book I get from our local music distributor. It starts in August and ends in July. That's when MY year starts and ends! I also carry it with me all the time and I don't have to figure out how to work it!
7. 30 seconds to fall asleep at night. I rarely have trouble sleeping these days. I think it's due to the fact that bedtime (midnightish) and get-up time are so close together!
Have a SUPER holiday, everyone! This is my sweety's fave. It's all about FOOD AND FAMILY!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Better late than never, right?!! OK, I'm using my whole name, but to maintain my anonymity, I'm putting the letters in alphabetical order!
Addictive personality, so I stick to harmless vices like computer games and chocolate!
Brass player (No T for trumpet)
Dog lover
Enjoy my job even after 28 years!
Enthusiastic about cross stitching
Happy with my life
Lover of kitties
New photography buff
Never tired of being less than 10 minutes from the big lake
Old fashioned about my values
Really proud of my children
Reader- of mysteries and quirky authors
Striving to be a better me
Under tall (as opposed to over weight)
Have a great evening!