Hola! I just took a whirlwind tour of blogs as I try to rebuild my "favorites" list. What a pain! I haven't even begun with my e-mail list. Fortunately I have a lot of them on my list at school. Fortunately the computer showed signs of instability before the total meltdown, so we were able to move just about everything to another hard drive. I even reactivated my "Big Fish" games all by myself! More later with MM!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Greetings all! We had a computer crash at home, so sorry for the absence. I'm at school right now. I was surprised all my stuff wasn't blocked here!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sorry about being late posting these questions. I had a busy day on Sunday (throwing a bridal shower) and fell asleep early. Anyway, on to this week's challenge...1. How do you eat an oreo cookie? (from tricia2. How long does it take you to eat lunch?3. Caffeine or decaf?4. Chicken or beef?5. Pen or pencil?6. Autumn or spring?7. Baseball or basketball?8. 'Survivor' or 'The Amazing Race?'9. Come up with one question I can ask our Monday Madness participants in the weeks to come.
1. Fully assembled
2. I eat a sandwich and a banana every day, but I'm always doing something while I eat (like I am right now), so usually 10 minutes.
3. Caffiene, or why bother!
4. Both, but not lots.
5. It depends on the situation.
6. Both are unique and equally lovely. That's the beauty of living in a state where the seasons change.
7. Tennis if I truly have a choice. Between those two, basketball.
8. Amazing race!
9. Do you have a dress code or uniform at work? Do you agree with it? Why or why not? There's 3!
Monday, September 04, 2006
I'm enjoying my last day of the long weekend. G left in the late morning, so hopefully he missed a lot of the traffic. L stayed at school and had a fun weekend. They have a program they call "Late Night" that is designed to give the kids something to do on the weekend besides drinking. They have a scheduled activity on Sat nite that's free and fun. It's anything from hypnotists to music to crafts, movies, tarot card readers, etc. She says you meet a lot of people and have a great time.
I've been doing a little thing we call WD that's a way to keep in touch through e-mail. I give her a word of the day. Sometimes thay are words she may know, sometimes not. They always have a common theme for the week, with the last two words being a bit of a "give". Example: last week these were the words: sonata, caravan, cavalier, Cherokee, navigator, breeze and sable.
If you're interested in playing , join in!
Yesterday I started the week with Congregation. (how appropriate!)
Today's WD is Sleuth
If you are interested in guessing to common thread, leave a comment. Now, on to MM!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Happy Monday to everyone! Thanks for playing Monday Madness! Have a marvelous week! =)1. Which holidays (if any) do you consider more as a day off from work, than anything else?2. Which 3 holidays are most celebrated in your family?3. Do you have an organized filing system at home?4. Do you clip coupons for groceries? If so, do you remember to use them? If not, why?5. How many magazines do you subscribe to?6. Do you play any computer games on a regular basis? If so, which is your favorite, and why?7. Have you watched any movies worth recommending, lately?
1. Well, most of these I don't get a day off for, but the bankers and mail carriers do! My apologies for not being "politically correct'!!! Labor Day, Memorial Day, President's Day, MLK Day, Columbus Day, 4th of July and New Year's Day. These are the days we don't have the day off for AND shouldn't be a holiday: Halloween, Valentine's Day St Patrick's Day and all the other "Hallmark" hoildays that were made up to sell greeting cards.
2. 3 most celebrated holidays in our family: Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter in that order.
3. Yes, several. Kevy has important family stuff filed, I have music filed, and I have a data base for my CDs.
4. No
5. Newsweek, Games, Games World of Puzzles and Woodworker's: 4
6. I joined Big Fish Games this Summer, so I'm addicted to Feeding Frenzy 2 and Jurassic Realm right now. I also went through a phase of Snood, After Dark Games, Jewel Quest and Brain Games. My old faithful standby is Spider.
7. I hardly ever see movies, although there are TONS I'd like to see. In the past year or so I've seen the following decent movies: Pride and Prejudice, Sideways, What the Bleep Do We Know, Garden State, and the one with Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon and Jennifer Lopez where RG takes dance lessons.