sharba's blog: 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Greetings all! Happy B-day to L today! My children are now both officially adults! She's having some friends over tonight to celebrate. We are officially at the halfway point with school. That went quickly! Year 27 is flying by! Kevy and I completed our lamp project last week. Do they look nice! We had these really old lamps (2 pair) that got an extreme makeover. The one pair we had in our trailer up north. The other pair are brass and we had never used them. I'll have to take pictures. They're gorgeous! We went this week to buy lamp shades. Was I glad we weren't buying new lamps! Talk about expensive! Have a good week everyone. I'm getting ready to start working on my play. This year - Disney's "Aladdin"!

Monday, January 02, 2006

"Happy New Year"
happy, New, Year, pear yearn peep heap neap yarn hear near reap harp warp weary wary warn prawn preen happen yappy when wear ware

I'm a slow typer!