sharba's blog: 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sunday, April 24, 2005
It's spring here in Michigan, but the weather today does not reflect that. My inspiration for this week's questions came from my mom suggesting the subject be SPRING! Thanks, Mom!! And thank you all for playing!! =)1. What season are you in right now?2. Do you celebrate anything special this time of year?3. Name 3 things that come to mind when you think of spring (or your current season)?4. In the current season, about how many hours of the day are daylight hours?5. Do you do any 'spring cleaning?'6. Do you wash your own car or take it to the car wash?7. Do you hang your laundry out on a clothesline on nice days?...and the following is optional; although I do encourage you to participate
1. Currently we are enjoying spring!
2. We always have spring break from school during the first full week of April, and was it beautiful this year. After a brief "reminder" of winter this weekend, we are getting back into more seasonable weather now. Spring break ushers in the final push of the school year.
3. I think of 1) new growth, 2) Easter, 3) end of the school year
4. We have about 12 hours of daylight.
5. I do spring cleaning (if any) in the summer when I have time.
6. When it's warm, I wash it at home (or get a kid to do it) and when it's cold, IF it gets washed, it's in a carwash place.
7. I don't have a clothes line. If anything needs hanging it gets hung on the treadmill; isn't that what everyone uses them for???
8. We'll see about a pic later! It's too dark at 6 a.m.!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

I just visited Otto's blog and was unable to leave a message, so here I am posting. Way to go, Otto! Anyway, I was reading your bit on the church, and I could not agree more. Since I live in a more conservative part of the state, we have not had the luxury of having women preach (that I know of) but we do have women lectors, lay ministers, etc. In our church we have a priest who could retire, but one of his wealthy pals in the area bought him a condo so he'll stay and serve as an "associate pastor." This means he never actually "prepares" a homily, plus he seems to think only the old testament of the bible exists! The "monied" conservatives love him, though. we even have an old guy in the parish who sits in the front of church and stalks out shaking his head if a woman goes up to do a reading. In addition to your arguments, how about the inability to relate to normal "human" problems when they are expected to live a solitary, celibate lifestyle? How are they able to avoid becoming self absorbed "me-people" without wives and children to raise? Well, Carl's 78, so. . . .. . See ya!

PS: Geoff's recital at CMU is tomorrow at 3:00 - Ya'll come! Sorry about short notice; it's been a hectic week.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Yikes! I didn't realize it had been such a long time since my last blog! I've been enjoying a relaxing week off with the most gorgeous weather I can ever remember for a spring break. It's been warm and mostly sunny all week. We were supposed to get some much needed rain yesterday, but most of it blew east. It's cooler today, but still seasonable. Geoff's b-day is on Monday, so he's coming home for dinner (and cash) on Sunday. Lia and I chose yesterday for a movie day due to the anticipated rain. We saw "Alfie" (thumbs down) "Sideways" (crass, but funny) and the "Incredibles" (funny and entertaining and good clean fun). I've also been doing some cleaning in small installments. I can't believe all the pet hair and dust. . .oh, wait; yes I can! All the critters are great. They all really enjoy having L and me home.
Better late than never -Monday Madness!

Sunday, April 03, 2005
Just a friendly reminder: If you have questions you'd like to see posted here, please feel free to email me!! Thanks!The following questions all begin with Where you live...1. ...did you have to turn your clocks forward one hour this weekend?2. ...what is the price of gasoline?3. ...which natural disasters, if any, do you have to worry about?4. you have a local newspaper, and if so, do you subscribe to it?5. you subscribe to a local cable company for television viewing?6. ...what is the speed limit on your road/street?7. far do you have to drive to the nearest post office?8. ...what is the average temperature in April?9. ...what is the average temperature in December?10. ...are your four seasons drastically different from one another?
1. Yes! Thank god I have a week off work to adjust!
2. $2.35 a gallon.
3. The ever popular "lake effect" weather is the big thing here!
4. we do not currently subscribe. We have an ongoing battle with our paper. We can go online to read it if we want.
5. We get robbed monthly for both cable TV and internet.
6. Our road is a one-block cul-de-sac. The speed limit is not marked, hence it is 25 mph, but there isn't really enough time or space to go any faster.
7. We have an "official" postal location about a mile and a half from our house, but the actual post office is about 4 miles from us,
8. Average temp in April is in the 40-50 range, but it can be anything from 20-80. I have had spring break start with a winter storm and weather so warm we can open the house up!
9. Average temp in december is probably from 10-30 degrees.
10. In a good year our seasons are technically "drastic," but sometimes it seems like we go right from winter to summer. Autumn is usually more gradual. This year we have the beginnings of a beautiful spring.