sharba's blog: 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Random Questions for 4/27:
Favorite thing to do on a lazy rainy day is . . . CROSS STITCHING!! Surprise! I also like to sit down with a good book. OF COURSE!

Monday, April 26, 2004

Well, the play is over! The kids did a great job. The technical bugs got worked out in the Thursday performances for the elementary and middle school students. We spent Sunday moving Geoff's big stuff back home. He has one more week of classes and a week of exams. I'm lookig forward to seeing the pics of the play on my school computer, since our monitor is bad t home. More later.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Pick a letter; any letter.........Got one?
Ok, for the following questions, each of your answers must begin with the letter you chose.......Have fun!! =) I picked "B" for Bourdon

1. If you were limited to 3 things to pack for an overnight trip, what would you pack? I would pack a book, a brush and a bra
2. What 3 things would you pack in your picnic basket?I would pack bananas, brioche and buffalo wings
3. What are 3 things you'd rather do than go to work? bake, browse the web, and begin a cross-stitch project
4. Name 1 song. Banana boat song
5. Name 1 movie. Back to the Future

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Let's do something with colors this week....Each question will begin with 'What color is your favorite.......'

1. Vegetable - Orange
2. Beverage - clear
3. Room - off-white
4. Outfit - blue
5. Mood - mauve
6. Season - green
7. Fruit - red
8. Dessert - chocolate!
9. Pair of shoes - mostly white
10. Color???? - purple

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Here Lulu! Sorry! I got sidetracked before!
I KNOW FOR SURE that things always have a way of working out for the best. Even if you think, "why is this happening?" it always seems to be "part of the plan." I don't mean to say that you can just sit around and wait for things to work out, but you have to have faith that if you do your part, He always does His!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Better late than never for Monday Madness! Bryn, good questions!

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Thank you Bryn, for this week's questions!

1. What makes your country special?

The US is known as a country of almost unlimited freedoms and opportunities. There has been a deterioration of those things in the past few years. Corporate greed has contributed to the loss of millions of jobs for Americans, loss of retirement benefits due to fat cats at Tyco, Enron and the like, and the potential for more upheaval as companies seek cheap labor opportunities in foriegn countries like China and Mexico. The word "freedom" takes on new meaning as we hold potential enemies in prisons like Guantanimo for "indefinite" periods of time. Last year a man and his son were arrested in a shopping mall because they were wearing T-shirts with an anti-war message. I think Americans need to wake up and get their heads out of their a_ _ _ _ so we can get back on track and make this country what it once was. Right now the world views us as a country of self serving, manipulative bullies.

2. What makes your hometown special? Muskegon has some of the most beautiful, best maintained beaches in the state. For a "not big" town, it has many excellent arts opportunities like concerts, theater experiences and the like. I think it's a great little city!

3. What makes your neighbourhood special? It's safe, and my neighbor likes to play "Upwords" with me!

4. And your loved ones - what is it about them??? They're smart, funny good people. They're slobs, though, and that's the only thing I would change about them!

5. And finally you - what is it that is unique about you...??? I seem to relate well to kids. I don't really know how "unique" that is, but. . . . .

Wow! Wednesday already! The week goes by so fast when it's a non-work week! Actually Kevin and I spent the day on "school stuff" yesterday. We went to Grand Rapids to pick up supplies for my sets, delivered them to Holton, and then set up the flats on the stage. I bribed a couple of kids with lunch and that gave us 4 extra hands. Friday is set aside for set painting/ building. We should be in decent shape for the last 2 weeks of rehearsal before the show.

Friday, April 02, 2004


Random Questions; Random Days... Thursday, April 1
Today is April Fool's Day! What's the best joke you ever played on someone?
posted by Windy at 8:12 AM

I didn't play this on 4/1, but it was a goody! It was in the dorm in my college days. The doors to the corridors opened into the room; it was Halloween, and we took plastic garbage bags, opened them up and taped them outside the door so there was a pocket between the bags and the door. We filled the pocket chock-full of leaves. In the morning when they came out of the room, SURPRISE! There were lots of others, like holding a roommate's pig for ramsom, kidnapping "Marie Antoinette" the flamingo and others but I'll save those for another time.


Random Questions; Random Days... Tuesday, March 30
Do you have pets? Should they be kept inside or out?

As everyone who visits my spot knows, we have 5 kitties and 1 puppy and they are all inside critters. I don't make any of the other family members sleep outside. Why should they?