sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Monday, August 25, 2003

let's do it!
1. What is your favorite form of art, and why?
2. What, in your opinion, is your greatest artistic talent?
3. If you were given a blank canvas and some oil paints, what would you paint?
4. What is your favorite subject to photograph?
5. Are you musically inclined? Please elaborate!

1. For me, music is the best because I spend most of my life with it; teaching, performing, listening etc.
2. Music.
3. I'm dangerous with a canvas and paints, and I have the basset hound with the purple background to prove it!
4. Whether it's children, pets, parents, or good friends, definitely living critters having fun is best.
5. When it comes to music I am inclined to try anything. Trumpet is my #1, but I also play handbells, sing in church choir, teach music to grades 5 - 12, and direct musicals. I also play enough piano to be dangerous and have been known to toot a recorder now and then. My son is furthering his music education at my alma mater, CMU. He is continuing his study on French horn and piano.


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