sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Monday, August 18, 2003

1. When I was a kid, my favorite game was ____________.
2. One of my best memories is when my family went ______________.
3. As a kid, I always wanted to be a _____________ when I grew up, because __________.

4. My favorite game to play is _____________.
5. One of my favorite family activities/vacations/pasttimes is _________________.
6. I hope to be a ____________ when I grow up, because ____________.

1. My favorite game was "commando tag". You had to get to "home" without even being seen by the person who was "it."
2. Best memory as a kid was Expo 67. I was 10. It was educational, but fun!
3. I wanted to have a job involving music as a kid. When we would go to Saginaw Sym. concerts and Eddy Band concerts, I wondered if some day I would be able to play with those groups. Not only did I become a member of both, but I was a soloist with both.
4. Now my favorite game to play w/my neighbor is Upwords. My favorite game w/my family is Skipbo. Favorite game to play w/my friend MB is cribbage, and my favorite game to play w/whomever I can get to play, is Boggle.
5. Now my favorite passtime/family activity is floating in a pontoon boat on Hamlin lake with a cross-stitching project.
6. I got to be a music teacher when I grew up, and I plan on 6 more years of that (24 down so far), then I'm thinking about catering for my next career!


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