sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Thursday, July 31, 2003

I saw a piece on the "Today" show yesterday that prompted me to think about rules. It was an interview with a southern teacher who just had a book published with his 55 "Essential" rules. He uses them in his classes, but they are apparently good "life" rules as well. My philosophy on rules is "less is more." The more rules a kid has to remember, the less likely he is to remember or live by them. This philosophy will NOT, however provide me with enough fodder for a New York Times Bestseller! Gary, the good ole boy from the south undoubtedly has just a few BASIC rules as well; he has simply "fleshed them out" with cute and quaint minutia. Case in point: he has a rule with a complete handwashing ritual to use when in a public restroom. Practical? Yes, but "Rule to live by?" No! These types of "rules" diminish the value of truly important issues. His rule to always address people by "ma'am" or "sir", shows a certain element of territorialism, I think. We just don't DO that up here in Michigan! That does NOT mean that our students are disrespectful. Being called "ma'am" all day would grate on me! I think we could probably boil these 55 into the following:
1. Respect and treat others as you would like to be treated.

2. If it's Disruptive, Destructive or Dangerous, Don't Do It.

3. Be prepared.


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