sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Monday, July 21, 2003

1. Do you remember what you dream about; and if so, have you had any recurring dreams?
2. What is the weirdest dream you ever had?
3. Do you think your dreams have anything to do with what food you eat, what mood you're in, or something that's been bothering you at the time?
4. Have you ever been interested in knowing what your dreams mean, to the point of visiting a dream analyst or reading a book about dreams?

1. I have lots of school dreams where I am either lost, late or not fully clothed.
2. When I was a kid my dreams were weird enough that I thought they'd make great short stories. However, I never remembered enough of them when I went to write them down.
3. This is not an opinion question. I did research for a paper in HS, and those things all add texture and content to dreams; sometimes more than others.

I will share an interesting dream/development story in a future blog!!


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