sharba's blog

sharba's blog

a little of this... a little of that..... from a musical kind of gal.

Monday, July 07, 2003

. Have you ever used duct tape to "quick-fix" something? If so, what?
2. Can you name 5 unique uses for duct tape? (Be nice! Be creative too!) Challenge yourself to try and name some things that other people may not think of.
3. Have you found any product that's a good substitute for duct tape? If so, please share!

1. I use it all the time at school to "Gerry rig" things like music lyres on instruments and the like.
2. A student in my band created an entire homecoming outfit (dress and suit) out of duct tape. She won an honorable mention at a big art competition!
3. There is nothing like duct tape!


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